This endpoint can be used to update the properties of a file conversion entity. It accepts the following parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Remarks |
Status | String | ✓ | The only value ever provided when calling this endpoint should be "Uploaded". This is used to tell SQLizer that the upload process has finished and it can begin analysing the input file. |
FileType | String | ✓ | Must be either "csv", "json", "xlsx" or "xml" |
TableName | String | ✓ | The name of the database table to use. SQLizer may alter this value in order to ensure a valid SQL file is produced. Whitespace from either side of the table name will be trimmed, and any non-alphanumeric characters will be converted to underscores. |
DatabaseType | String | ✓ | Must be either "MySQL", "SQLServer", "PostgreSQL" or "SQLite" |
FileHasHeaders | Boolean |
Tells SQLizer whether to use the first row of the file for the column names, and exclude it from the analysis of what column types to use. Or to include the first row in the outputted data. Must be provided for the following FileTypes: csv, xlsx. |
Delimiter | String |
If the FileType is csv, tells SQLizer what characters to use to separate column values. A value of "\t" can be used to signify a tab character, i.e. a string containing a backslash character followed by the letter t, because many platforms/libraries will not encode a raw tab charater into the JSON payload. If specified, the value must be 1 character long (except when the value is "\t"). Defaults to a comma "," if not specified. |
SheetName | String |
If the FileType is xlsx, tells SQLizer which worksheet to load data from. Defaults to the currently active worksheet if not specified. |
CellRange | String |
If the FileType is xlsx, tells SQLizer which range of cells to load data from. Defaults to the whole worksheet if not specified. |
CheckTableExists | Boolean |
Tells SQLizer to generate SQL code to check the table doesn't exist before attempt to create it. Having scripts that can still run even if the table already exists is useful when using our API to regularly import data into a single table. Defaults to true. |
InsertSpacing | Integer |
The number of lines of data values to concatenate together in a single insert statement. Defaults to 250. |
SQLizer will respond with a 200 HTTP code a JSON respresentation of the updated file entity:
"ID": "7EVHQlVpq6YrRGLxNyjJdZ-b7DN3hcKpbqwK215IyPpE8ZeddSK4GVe_q0LNdCZnNCwOi1ewyTSEVMy6rkpi8g==",
"DatabaseType": "MySQL",
"Status": "Queued",
"FileType": "xlsx",
"FileName": "file.xlsx",
"TableName": "table_name",
"FileHasHeaders": true,
"SheetName": "Sheet1",
"CellRange": "A1:F100",
"CheckTableExists": true,
"InsertSpacing": 250
When updaing the file entity, the status property will typically update to the "Queued" value. For example, if conversion is at the "Processing" status, and the SheetName property is updated the Status will revert to "Queued" as the conversion process will need to restart.